Access to Emerald Insight Database from On and Off Campus
Emerald Insight Database is provided by the Consortium of Academic Libraries of Sri Lanka (CONSAL) of the University Grants Commission, Sri Lanka to the Eastern University, Sri Lanka. This database can be accessed ON or OFF Campus.
On Campus
No login is required if you are using a computer connected to the University’s wired or wireless network. This will provide you access to the licensed databases such as Emerald Insight and Oxford Journals.
Off Campus
In order to remotely access off-campus use your university credentials which you obtained from CICT, Eastern University, Sri Lanka for Zoom/Wi-Fi access. The same username and password will work for the Emerald Insight database.
If you face any issues in connecting to the above database remotely, drop an email to: librarian@esn.ac.lk.
Please follow the steps and enjoy your search.
Open your browser and type www.emerald.com in the Address bar
OR Click here